Vw Typ 2 1982

Helo everyone!

I just bought a VW Type 2 in Yverdon (Vaud). Its from 1982, supposedly has 198k kms (you never know). Appart from a fuel leak, it runs well, the interior is not in that bad of a shape (of course it needs a lot of love), and it got a fresh coat of paint. I still have to wait a couple of weeks while the garage fixes a few bits and pieces and goes through inspection with the van.

The interior was done by a company called Moby Campers, which I think is based on the German part of Switzerland.

I want to buy a new kitchen foccet, rubbers for the windows and roof, new side door handle, back door bike rack, gas bottle and roof awning. Where do you usually by this material in Switzerland? Or do you guys import?

Thank you in advance to everyone!

Nice one…and welcome :hugs:

Regarding the window rubber: take the old ones as long as they are not leaking or cracked. Washing machine and softener does a good job :wink:


Thanks Franz, duly noted. Just a question, where do you usually by your parts? In Switzerland or you ship them from abroad?

Hi Miguel,

I’m not Franz, but for me it depends what I need…
Small orders mostly in Switzerland at cagero.com, if it is more or not available then https://tk-carparts.de/, https://www.mybusparts.de/ and a lot of others in Germany…


Hey Marc!

Cool, many thanks!
How does it work to import parts from abroad? I live near Lausanne and when I import stuff from Amazon in France I have to make sure it does not go above 60 Frs…


When you order stuff abroad, you pay costum fees for orders over 63€ as far as I know. That’s it. You pay 8.1%? plus a fee for the swiss post (or DHL). Another option, which I choose sometimes is to buy parts at TK carparts (actually my favourite shop), deliver them to Germany and then bring them to Switzerland via Austria, as Austria stamps the invoice to get the german taxes of 19% back afterwards. Depending on the value you don’t have to pay taxes at the swiss costums. But as I said, it depends on the value of the parts and if you cross the border from time to time…

Thanks Franz, all clear now!